Regional Revival Night

The winds of revival are beginning to blow across the nations. Students on college

campuses in America and the youth of Europe are turning to Jesus for answers to the

epidemic of anxiety, depression, drug abuse, toxic culture and world turmoil. Tens

of thousands are experiencing a fresh move of God and finding the hope and purpose

that satisfies every longing: salvation and healing in Jesus Christ and refreshing in the

Holy Spirit.

Maryland is no stranger to transformative moves of God. Its historical and spiritual

roots are found in fires of the Second Great Awakening with great revivalists such as

Charles Wesley, Frances Asbury, and the Circuit Riders. The embers of these revival

fires are still alive in this region just waiting for those who believe to stir up the coals and

breathe upon them with their prayers. Holy Winds from heaven are released as we

worship, prophesy, and pray for another great move of God in this region. 

This is your invitation to join us for an evening to gather passionate hearts to pray for

revival on Saturday July 27th at 6:30 pm. Hosted by Rich and Linda Brink from Eastgate

Revival Ministries in partnership with Pastors Mike & Debbie Baker of Victorious Faith

Fellowship, we will dig deep into the wells of revival fire that is still at work from these

transformative moves of God.

Our guest speaker is Chandy Thomas: an apostolic revivalist who has ministered all

over the world and currently serves on staff at Life Center Ministries in Harrisburg, PA.

He is gifted with a prophetic and revelatory anointing that changes atmospheres,

releases destiny, and ignites regional revival movement.

Let’s come into agreement with D.L. Moody when he said, "I do not know of anything

that America needs more today than men and women on fire with the fire of heaven..."

Invite as many as you can and join us for this powerful night of regional revival!