The Importance of Community

At VFF we know the importance of community. It is vital to our growth and the pursuit of our destinies to be connected to other believers. We offer Life Groups, Bible studies, worship & prayer meetings, and Men's & Women's meetings throughout the month. We also host several fun social events throughout the year.

Please check our events calendar, social media pages or contact the church office for times and locations.

Life Groups

Our Life Groups are beginning in October. The focus of this study will be "Love Speaks" Carl Wesley Anderson. 

Is Recognizing God's Voice Really Possible Continuously? LOVE SPEAKS will teach you that the answer is a resounding YES!

Did you know there are not one, not two or three, but twenty-one unique ways that God is speaking each week? He’s speaking through the fullness of all three Persons of His Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. What if hearing God’s voice can be a continual source of experiencing God’s peace, presence, and love, even when you don’t have all the answers? It can! It’s easier than you might think.

Every time you recognize His multi-faceted voice, you experience His love in a personal way. He has already visited tomorrow, so He can speak and bring hope to your heart, today. You are a child of God. You can hear from your Father directly. Father’s love is the ultimate source of His voice and contact with you, and Love Speaks!

The more often you can learn to recognize God's voice of love speaking to you, the more of His love you can receive personally, and also share with the world.

Life Group Leaders

Mike & Melissa Busler

This group will be meeting in the Community Room at VFF on Tuesday nights from 7-8:30pm.

Brian & Christina Bonney

This group will be meeting at the Bonney's home in Street, MD on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30pm. Contact the church office for their full address.

Pastors Mike & Debbie Baker

This group will be meeting virtually on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30pm via ZOOM. Contact the church office for a link to the Zoom call.

To Purchase the book click here!